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The Valley Central Scholarship Council (VCSC) is a non-profit corporation dedicated to raising funds for the sole purpose of providing scholarships to graduating seniors of the Valley Central High School (VCHS) and financial aid to VCHS students in need of assistance to participate in Advanced Placement (AP) classes and exams and SUNY courses offered through VCHS.
Since its inception in 1964, the Council has awarded over $1,026,000 in scholarships to graduating VCHS seniors. This would not be possible without the generosity of our community supporting our fundraising activities.
$33,500 was awarded in June 2023
$23,000 was awarded in June 2022,
Scholarship Overview
Any member of the Valley Central Senior Class may apply for a scholarship.
Selection Criteria and Requirements include:
-Academic Achievement
-School/Community Involvement
-Extracurricular Participation
-Reliability and Dependability
-A 300 word essay
Applications are available in the spring of senior year through the VCSC Website
Scholarships are awarded through an anonymous selection process.

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